Reina Fundraising Program

Celebrate beauty, faith, and community at Mayfest 2024 with our Santacruzan Fundraising Campaign, honoring the Flores De Mayo tradition and the discovery of the True Cross. This year, join us in a unique tradition: the Reina who raises the most contributions will be crowned Reina Emperatriz, the highest honor. Support your chosen Reina and help preserve our rich cultural heritage. Your contributions ensure a vibrant Mayfest, celebrating our shared values and traditions.

Erminda Alipio

Hi, I'm Erminda Alipio, 34 years old. I was born on September 17, 1989, in the Philippines. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing, which I obtained in 2010. Currently, I am a volunteer worker in an organization in the Philippines, providing free medical and dental missions for less fortunate people in my country. In 2019, I moved here in the US and worked in leadership management with people with developmental disabilities.